The downloadable format of my CV is available here.
Machine Learning Scientist, Oct. 2021 – Present
- Design and implementation of explainability methods for ML models
- Design of rigorous benchmarks for the evaluation of proposed approaches
- Implementation of data preparation techniques
- Creation of use-case execution pipelines
- Writing of technical reports
- Development and integration of new demonstrators and ready-to-use web applications
Conference reviewer, Peer-review conferences 2020 – Present
- Reviewed 5 peer-review conference papers BDA, DSAA, ITAT, Complex Networks, JRI.
Teaching assistant, Université Clermont Auvergne Sept. 2018 - Sept. 2021
- Taught 7 courses with 60H/year including SQL, Information Systems, Java, Web databases, Bash programming, Statistics and Probability, Algorithmic to undergraduate students.
Research intern, LIMOS Université Clermont Auvergne Apr. 2018 - Aug. 2018
- Analyzed two real-world datasets respectively for physical activities recommendation and interaction between lifestyle activities and cognitive health of older adults.
- Worked on the development of a new clustering method. Published evidential clustering for categorical data at FUZZ-IEEE 2019 a few weeks after.
Software Engineer intern, SETEC INTERNATIONAL May 2017 – Jul. 2017
- Learned C# programming and Visual Studio.
- Developed a new user interface in C#.
- Fixed bugs.
- Added automated files generation in Excel format.
Université Clermont Auvergne, Ph.D. in Computer Science and Machine Learning 2021
- Worked on the development of new clustering methods for categorical data and applications in Health data analysis.
- Published 2 rank A and 1 rank C peer-reviewed papers on clustering.
- Collaborated with Institute Analgesia in France and the Simon Fraser University in Canada leading to 3 publications.
- Vulgarized thesis results in conferences (2 FUZZ-IEEE and EGC), seminars, laboratory meetings.
- Taught 180 hours of courses to undergraduate students.
- Tutored 1 research internship and 1 school project.
- Provided implementations in Python of the new clustering methods on Github.
Université Clermont Auvergne, Master of Science and Engineer’s degrees 2018
- Master’s degree in computer science at ISIMA, Cumulative grade: 14/
- Engineer’s degree in mathematics and modeling at Polytech Clermont-Ferrand, Cumulative grade: 15.5/.
Python, Java, C++, C# , C SQL, JavaScript, HTML, CSS Tensorflow, Keras, Scikit-Learn, Statsmodels Pandas, Numpy, Flask Software engineering: OOP, UML, Git Systems: Linux, Windows
- Specialization TensorFlow: Data and Deployment by, Coursera Apr. 2020
- Specialization Deep Learning by , Coursera Nov. 2019
- Specialization Advanced Data Science with IBM by IBM, Coursera Sept. 2019
- Introduction to the general data protection by the CNIL France. Apr. 2019
- Ma distance de sécurité Mar. 2020 ◦ Developed mobile and web applications for social distancing management during COVID19 by using Haversine distance. ◦ Used Python (Flask), JavaScript, MySQL, Android Studio, Google Cloud App Engine for the development. ◦ Opened the code source on Github.
- PhiField May 2019 ◦ Developed with two teammates an automated irrigation system based on AI. ◦ Directed the AI algorithms modules development. ◦ Received an award of 11 500 EUR among +500 projects. ◦ Founded the start-up PhiField SARL.
- Detecting election corruption in Africa using ML/DL Sept. 2019 ◦ Trained machine learning and deep learning models to detect election corruption in Africa. The best model (LightGBM) achieved a ROC AUC of 0.85.
- Achieved first place over +260 candidates in the follow-up Data Science Olympics Competition.
- Received the audience award from the second edition of Niger’s national entrepreneurship competition eTakara ( based on our innovative project PhiField.
- Received Ph.D. funding of 105 000 EUR in 2018 from the French national agency of research based on academic success.
- Received the first place of the Excellence Prize by Réseau des Étudiants Nigériens en France in 2018 based on academic success.
Entrepreneurship, Coding, Data Science Competitions.