Categorical version the Evidential C-means (ECM) clustering method.


Evidential clustering methods assign objects to clusters with a degree of belief, allowing for better representation of cluster overlap and outliers. Based on the theoretical framework of belief functions, they generate credal partitions which extend crisp, fuzzy and possibilistic partitions. Despite their ability to provide rich information about the partition, no evidential clustering algorithm for categorical data has yet been proposed. This paper presents a categorical version of ECM, an evidential variant of k-means. The proposed algorithm, referred to as catECM, considers a new dissimilarity measure and introduces an alternating minimization scheme in order to obtain a credal partition. Experimental results with real and synthetic data sets show the potential and the efficiency of cat-ECM for clustering categorical data.

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Recommended citation:

A. J. Djiberou Mahamadou, V. Antoine, G. J. Christie and S. Moreno, “Evidential clustering for categorical data,” 2019 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE), New Orleans, LA, USA, 2019, pp. 1-6.